Search Engine Optimizatio or SEO - All of you might have heard of it??So what exactly is it?
do we do to make our Blog Friendly to our readers? - We do change the
layout and design so that our blog looks elegant to eyes.
What do we do to make our Blog friendly to Search Engines like Google,Yahoo and Bing? - Here is where we should do SEO..
Wordpress and other blogging platforms,Blogger automatically does some
SEO work for us making the job easier for us.Still there are some areas
where we can do something
Here is a collection of My SEO tips for my beloved readers..
Don't put too much posts on homepage - When you put too much content on
homepage, it leads to duplicate content. Means many pages on your blog
will have similar content. Your latest post page and your homepage has
got the same content rite?
2) Submit a Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools
You will have links to feeds on your pages. Or may be some links to
social bookmarking sites. Too many links on a page makes it unfriendly
for search engines. So you should add the rel='nofollow' tag to such not so important links..
- Feed links (The blog feed has same content as your blog.So it is important that you make the feed links nofollow)
Social Bokkmarking links - If you use social bookmark buttons like that
for digg,stumble twitter etc, try making them nofollow..
- Links to unimportant pages(unimportant to search engines.. ;) )like contact me page,link to me page,about me page etc..
<a href="link url">link name</a> is a dofollow url
<a href="link url" rel="nofollow">link name</a> is the nofollow version of the same link
4) Use the Title Tag Hack
5) Use Meta Tags
What you shouldn't do when using meta tags - I have seen many blogs
using the same meta tag for all pages of the blog.You should never use
such duplicate meta tags, I suggest that you use a separate meta
description and keywords for your home page.You can use b:if conditions
to do this.
6) Get back links.. Get more links to your site from your friends.. ;) You can also add a Link to your site Widget .
7) Submit your blog to Directories. - One of them is here Blogger Directory
won't add a archive widget.If i do it i will display it on a particular
page only. - Why? The archive widget has so many links in it..As i said
too many links on a page is unfriendly to search engines.
9)Don't add additional ROBOT meta tags.. Some guys try adding tags like <meta name='robots'...... >
automatically does some SEO for it.. Don't override it. You know
something? Every blogger blog has got a robots.txt file.. see mine.. Off course we cant edit them.
10)When building back links use your primary keyword as the anchor text. <a href="">Anchor Text</a> - > Just to explain what an Anchor Text is.
I use Blogger Widgets as my Anchor Text.
Use Alt tags for images. When you use images try to add alt tags. For
example <img src="imageurl"/> can be replaced as <img
src="imageurl" alt="Some alternate description for the image"/>
Focus on what you write. Always try to write some unique and
interesting content.You cant hope to be on top of search engines with
copy paste blog posts..
These are some of the ones that i remember..Will update it if i find anymore..
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