How to Add a PayPal Donate Button in Blogger

Are you charitable organization, are you looking to add al Donate button on your Blogger site? Then PayPal makes it a lot easier to accept donations on your blogger website. With PayPal donate button, there are a lot of possibilities as it comes with features that are helpful for any kind of organization looking for donations. Today in this article, we will show you how to add a PayPal donate button in Blogger.

Many non-profitable websites or even bloggers tends to add a donate button on to their websites to cover up the cost for running the website. Even sites like Wikipedia ask for donations to run. If you want to add a PayPal Donate button in your blogger site then follow the below instructions:

How to Add PayPal Donate button in Blogger:

The very first thing you need to do is to login into your PayPal account, now go to PayPal button creation page and select “Donations” from “choose a type” dropdown list as seen in the screenshot below.

In organization field, fill your website name or the purpose of the donation but don’t be too descriptive.

You can also add a donation ID to track the donations but you can leave it blank it will be filled automatically by the system.

You can customize the text of the donation button or can dig in to choose from the various size of donate button. If you want you can replace the PayPal donate button with your own, such as featuring “Your organization’s logo”.  You can do all this by accessing “Customize text or appearance” link.

Once everything is finalized press “Create button” and it will provide you with the code that you’ll be using on your website.

You can also change the currency which you want to receive from the donor. People can donate in any currency but you will receive the donation in your described currency through the present exchange rates.

For “contribution amount”, you can either set a fix donate rate or can give free-hand to the donors to set their own amount of donation.  We would recommend letting user choose whatever amount they want to donate gives you more chances of getting a donation.

By default all your donation goes to your PayPal merchant ID it is more secure and better way of getting donations. However, you can also select your primary PayPal Email address to get the donations.

Now copy the whole code of your button, you can also view its preview besides it. Press “Select code” to copy the whole code in just one click.

Now go to Blogger >> Layout >> Add a Gadget >> Add HTML/JavaScript >> Paste the button code in the HTML text area and press “Save Button”.

We hope this tutorial has helped you in learning how to add PayPal donate button in Blogger. Share your thoughts about this tutorial in the comment section below. And if you like this article, then share it on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.
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