Facebook has allowed users a similar feature since ages in the 'Share'
functionality. When users on Facebook share a status update from
someone, it is a cross between a retweet and an embed in Twitter terms.
Twitter now seems to have gained some lost ground.
When to embed a tweet?
I can think of many reasons why such a feature would be useful. Embedded
Tweets actually look a bit like quotations with indentation, while
still retaining the integrity of the tweet format. Embedding tweets also
is a better approach if your objective is to share without for the sake
of itself (since an embed can't be tracked like a retweet).
Retweets also leave you with a limited character space to add your own
views. Often, the original tweet has already filled up the 160 character
limit, leaving behind nothing. An embed, however, should give you
plenty of room to add your own opinion.
Here's what an embedded tweet looks like.
Embedding a tweet within a tweet is very easy. You just type out your
tweet, include a link to the tweet you want to embed, and then publish
it. The tweet you link to gets automatically embedded into your tweet.
How to get a link to a tweet? This unfortunately requires some extra
clicks. Click on the username of the tweet's author, and go to their
profile. Find the tweet you're looking for, and click on it. If you
arrive on a page that has nothing but a single Tweet on it, you can go
ahead and copy the URL of that page - this is the public URL for that
Tweet. You can also arrive at this page by clicking on the timestamp on a
Tweet. Here's what such a page would look like.
The links aren't immediately clickable, so if someone’s embedded tweet
looks interesting you have to click on it to expand it. Twitter’s
desktop app, TweetDeck, doesn’t appear to be supporting this feature
yet. As of now it’s only available on the iOS and Android apps, and
Another nice part about this feature is that when you embed someone’s
tweet, that person receives a notification. It’s also fun to note that
if you embed a tweet with an embedded tweet into another new tweet, they
all link together in a chain of tweets.
Have you tried out this feature? Let us know what you think in the comments section below!
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