What is a Blog Archive? How to Create an Archive in Blogger

Looking for a blog which is under the heaps of recent blogs? Well, blog archive prevents your blog to get rusted and connects your readers to your recent as well as previous posts. Since, yours homepage is saturated with the blogs that just got published so, an archive makes your blog accessible to your readers.

The history of blog archive dates back to the time when blog evolved. Since, it was really difficult for the users to go through the previous posts and they had to scroll and scroll to get their desired article. Thus, archive provides your blog with plausibility. In this article, we will show you W
hat is a Blog Archive? How to Create an Archive in Blogger.

Why a Blog Should have a Blog Archive 

This is the question which arises in a dozen minds so, here is the answer. Blog archive has many beneficial effects on a blog. It helps the reader to sail smoothly through the previous posts. It prevents blog from crowding of posts and keeps them aligned in their order of publishing dates. The blogs having an archive always have an upper hand above those which lack one. Moreover, reader indulges himself to your blog thus spending more time on your blog boosting up your ranking and getting more and more subscribers to your blog.

For Example: if a reader viewed your blog to read a specific article, archive will provide him with the related articles thus he will stick to your blog as a permanent reader. This will ultimately add traffic to your blog.

Archive also helps the search engines to get connected to you thus publishing your blog and bringing you loads of subscribers. It also helps the blogger to view his past posts so that he could come up with new posts; and skips the chances for repetition.

How to Create an Archive in Blogger

In order to get an archive, you do not have to suffer much. Creating an archive is just a piece of cake. All you have to do is to follow these steps:
  1. Go to Blogger >> Layout
  2. Select "Add a Gadget". 
  3. Now from the list of different gadgets select "Archive". 
  4. Save the gadget and you're done.

How to Maintain an Archieve?

  • The nature of blog archive depends upon the niche of your blog. It is suggested to have an archive running next to your article. The archive should be provided with all of the articles (list) published in your blog facilitating the users.
  • Adding tags and keyword will help more and makes it easy for a reader. It will not only display the accurate article which the reader wants to view, but also a series of article which might come handy to him.
  • Category-based archive helps the reader to directly dig through the subject of their interest and helps them to save their time.
  • Date and time mentioned in chronological order is highly appreciated. It is the cream of your blog to have such archive.
  • More creativity leads to the archive with some animations or pictures that instantly grab the viewers’ attention.

An archive is the heart of the blog and helps to maintain its order and keeps it clean. It does not matter of what niche your blog is; blog archive is an important element of a blog. If your blog lacks an archive, it is one of your fundamental jobs to add one to it. Once you get to know the importance of an archive, you would never miss out on it. So, ease your reader through blog archive and make them to stick to your blog forever.

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