Rules to follow to optimize pages with ads and earn much more money. The areas and areas that generate more revenue. Making advertising display correctly on mobile. Add link units and ad without affecting the loading time of the pages, the search engine rankings without cause rejection readers.
How to make more money using AdSense service.
Additional measures and options to increase revenue we receive for our
content. After inserting ad units on pages of our blog or website and
start earning, we can optimize them to maximize service without
affecting the performance of our site or cause rejection by readers. For
that we can follow the following steps, all adopted and recommended by
Click the AdSense ads that generate more revenue
- Not the same users to see 3 links text in an ad, an image or a video appealing showy. Sometimes curiosity just give a click on the ad.
- Even sometimes these ads are in English and yet attract clicks from readers.
- These are called "rich ads."
- They sometimes static and sometimes short videos displaying images.
- If not available a display ad related to display or is slow when loading the page, text ads are displayed.
- Enriched ads also generated more revenue due to the prints.
- What are the impressions?
- AdSense pays in two ways to the owner of the page (called by them editor):
✓ CPC (cost per click) is paid for valid clicks made by users on the advertising pages.✓ CPM (cost per thousand impressions), is paid each time a page containing the ad is loaded in the browser if the user click on the ads is not given.
The way you pay for a given ad, depends on the method that you hire the
service of the advertiser AdWord, but generally graphic formats are most
likely offered to charge for prints, or all the times that are
displayed, even without give the user clicks on them.
Block sizes of ads that make us earn more money
- Block 300 x 250 also called "medium rectangle".
- Is the announcement of the increased inventory, so there is more variety in the deals and more likely to give readers a click.
- It is the message that is displayed correctly on the screen of any device including mobile Smartphone.
- It can be inserted in any area, including within the text.
- It is available in blocks of text, display ads and mobile.
- Block 336 x 280 also called "big box".
- Similar to the previous announcement on availability.
- Shown correctly on all devices except iPhone and other screen with 320 px wide.
Block 728 x 90 also called "horizontal skyscraper".Is ideal for desktop computer screens, but it will not display properly on mobile and tablets.The ideal solution is to use using customizable design.
- Block 160 x 600 also called "Wide Skyscraper"
- Historically used in the sidebar.
- No use in mobile sites since in this case is hidden.
Block 320 x 50 Also called "horizontal skyscraper mobile".Load correctly on all screens occupying the entire width (eg iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, etc..).
Should never be used on a page two blocks of the same ads to prevent the same ad is displayed.
The topics and best paid adsense words
The service depends on AdWords AdSense, so what more charges advertisers who request this service, is what brings more profit to us.
Then some of the terms relate highly paid in the service of Google
AdWords, so pages that address these issues and include the terms
significantly improve revenues.
Travel, Flights, Flights, Hotels and Tourism, Electronics, Computing, Technology and Communications, Finance, Business, Real Estate, Construction and Architecture, Loans, Investments, Insurance, Medicine and Health.
Add more publicity using link units
- One option available to AdSense and not used by many for lack of information, are link units.
- AdSense policy sets use up to three ad units, but can additionally insert up to three link.
- Are small tables that only links with no additional text or links are displayed.
- No harm the page load and enable us to increase revenues.
- They can be used in any area of the page.
- The most useful report under AdSense are:
- 468 x 15_4
- 728 x 15_4
- Below is a 200x90 block shown is the one we use. Although small fits properly on the screens of mobile phones.
Add more publicity using the Google search boxes
- Choice but to raise revenue is to insert Google search boxes , also known as custom search engine (CSE )
- Not only will win some extra money but will be particularly useful to our readers.
- These tables allow a Google search only in the content of our web indexed by Google .
- Find text or images.
- You can see at the bottom of every page of our site.
- The gain is given as the result of searches made advertising displays .
- Each page can display up to two tables can be fully personalized .
- To create these tables for your website or blog access the following address to obtain the necessary code. http://www.google.com/cse/
- After login to your AdSense account and enable search results .
- You can also create it on the " My Ads" in AdSense or from Webmaster Tools .
Place the ad in the places that generate income
The usual amount of clicks differ in different areas of a page. The
so-called hot spots are more likely to catch the attention of readers,
therefore where you should place the ads.
The darker areas, starting with blue, are where the user sets their attention on page load, so the most effective.
Some services do not support ad ads to be inserted into the page after a
certain distance from the top of the page to ensure more effective,
this distance is between 1000 and 2000 pixels.
However never advertising must be shown above the main content as you run the risk that the product will be penalized by Google.
Since January 2012 an adjustment algorithm called "Ads Above The Fold" detects and penalizes pages with ads above the content.
AdSense scans to make sure our site correctly
One of the main measures is to ensure that we do not block access to the AdSense robot supporting files from our site, such as images and videos.
The goal is that advertising based on content is inserted, to achieve more user clicks .
If not just win some money for impressions and CPC as not to load
generic ads that sometimes have nothing to do with what we publish , we
do not encourage readers to click on them and do nothing .
Many users complain that the ads do not correspond to its content and
because most of the time is that the site is not indexed correctly .
To fix it do the following:
Add the following lines at the top of the robot.txt file on your site :
User -agent: Mediapartners - Google
That's all.
The robots.txt file is a simple text file , if it does not exist you must create one.
Use customizable Adsense ads
Currently one of the traffic sources of many websites, are portable devices such as cell phones and tablets.
In those cases we try to use the system adaptable ads.
Is that different ad sizes, depending on the width of the user's browser screen will be displayed.
That way when you use a laptop or PC, will show wide block unlike you
access using a cell, which in this case will only see small ads that do
not exceed the width of your small screen.
Precautions we not suspend your AdSense account
If we become aware of the number of accounts that Google constantly
would remain suspended for mishandling terrified , but we should not
have any fear if we go by the rules.
However never be more to watch out the following additional measures to give the classic intentional clicks :
1 - It should be extreme caution on the links we inserted in our pages, aimed to external sites.
Any links to a site that violates copyright policy , overrides the ads displayed on that page where you inserted.
There are certain web sites that are not well regarded by Google and
other search engines , to detect any relationship between our Site and
these addresses , we can be penalized or even disappear completely from
the search results .
Are poorly regarded the following types of websites :
• Sites dedicated to malware
• Sites dedicated to spam
• dedicated to the sale of bonds to raise the PageRank sites
Keep in mind that sometimes these sites with the naked eye can not distinguish from other .
There are several tools to identify , but one of the simplest options is to check if they are ranked in Google .
If they have any value in the range of PageRank , whatever this , there is no danger .
2 - Avoid also on pages with ads , links to sites and affiliate companies .
3 - Make sure that the ads are not in a block in which "display: none" is used
Display none is used in CSS and Javascript to hide a block ( DIV ) attribute.
It is now widely used to automatically hide the sidebar, when the
display device is less than a certain value, so that the page is
displayed correctly in portable devices .
In that case if you own ad in this bar , it will be violating the rules of AdSense.
4 - Always leave enough free area around the ad . Clearly separate them
from other content and links primarily using tags <br> , to
clearly highlight and differentiate by the user, thus avoid confusion.
5 - You should try to eliminate as far as possible, unnecessary items on
these pages , primarily other scripts, effects and decorations that can
prevent publicity load correctly.
6 - other advertising systems is suggested not to use in pages containing AdSense ads .
Meet information from our site without entering AdSense
Google Publisher Toolbar is a browser extension for Google Chrome.
It is a toolbar that allows us to see the performance of our AdSense account stats and block ads by URL or creativity , while we sailed on our site .
It saves some time.
Install it using the following link :
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