It is very important for every web page editor know How It Works Google AdSense Advertising And What Are The Requirements to keep, maintain or lose this form of monetization, the most popular and reliable of all.
There are hundreds of thousands of website who entrust their work to the
remuneration they receive Google AdSense by the task of writing sobe
various topics that have this system qualify for monetization.
Always open myths and taboos about the issues that matter to human
beings and this advertising system is not immune to them, but the time
they spend many webmasters all over the world says you can trust Google
and contextual advertising system.
How It Works The Google AdSense Advertising
This advertising is contextual, which in other words is set to the text
of our articles, the robots of Google AdSense enters the interior of our
posts and on the subject of them, showing their ads, Also take into
account recent searches user to give you more relevant ads.
Google AdSense Pay Per Cliks And On Impressions: The vast majority of
ads are paid for clicks, impressions and others for the value of these
will depend on the average value of the received cilks in advertising.
You can Add Value Of Your Clicks: While researching topics that better
pay and write about them, you can go into Google AdWords and see how
much you would charge Google for an advertising campaign on a phrase or
keywords and roughly 50% of this charge is what you pay each publisher
by the same sentence.
Requirements To Put Google AdSense Or Turn On A Blog Or Website
Blogger blogs come with the included feature and advertising should only
be activated, but you approve the implementation of the same, you must
meet certain requirements that are easy and which guide you throughout
the process.
Fundamentally have a blog with enough content to make this request with
your e always providing real data, and desirable burn real name listed
in the email to get approved faster, address and postal code, no. phone.
Put your data as are in your personal identification documents, if you
really want to collect a check from Google or receive banking.
After your account is tested and implemented code, the first thing you
see are blanks within the blog, it is in those spaces in which after
several minutes or even hours you will see your ads first.
It is important that your website is a living product, ie you have
traffic, you need not be in the search engines as a new site will not
have that traffic, but if you can get social media primarily for Google+
and Facebook shared in groups and communities and continues to write,
if you have a lot of traffic, you will not have much money.
To not lose track of Google AdSense, To See The Message No Account Cancelled
It is best to read what Google says about it and follow his instructions faithfully in summary are:
Give clicks on your own ads, clicks avoid accidents, these are caused
by deceptive practices that confuse the user into thinking that
advertising is part the content of the website and not an ad.
No visit send your sponsors, texts such as these can make you lose
count, do not use software to do so. In order to keep your pages alive
with visits and let the clicks occur naturally.
Google knows everything that happens on your site and better than you
even know yourself when your ads and visit so lifting injury, but
accidents are recurrent recommend you start looking for another form of
monetization, there are many. Have a better idea of what is and what
is it.
In short it works very well and allows you to have a website
automatically generating money for you, your job is to write, the more
different headlines, different ads you come over and also competing to
appear on your website and thus come first the best pay by this subject
and therefore by such impressions as mentioned clicks. To find out how
much and how Google pays AdSense, visit the link.
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