How to find out Blogger blog ID and post ID – Unique ID number

How to find Blogger blog Id and post ID - Unique ID number for Blogger
Beginners who think about blogging will likely begin their journey from Blogger. Blogger is one of the widely used blogging platform and that’s mainly because it’s free, easy to use, manage, no technical skills required and much more. Each and every blog that you create and host with Blogger has its own identification number. Similar to blog Id, each and every published post has also got a unique identification number. Here we will see how to find out Blogger blog IDand post ID.

How to find out Blogger blog ID and post ID

You don’t need to be eager and there is nothing peculiar with these identification numbers.  But, anyhow more occasionally you will need these numbers. You will need your Blogger blog ID at some point, especially when setting up any third party services. Knowing post Id will be useful when you desired to design different posts differently using CSS. Here we will see how to figure out both blog ID and post ID in Blogger.

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Finding Blogger blog ID

Login to your Blogger account and under your account you will see the list of all your blogs. Now choose the blog that you wish to find the unique identification number. Just hover the mouse over your blog title and now at the bottom of your browser you will see your blogs ID like you see in the image below.
How to find out Blogger blog ID and post ID - Unique ID number
(OR) Head to your Blogger blog dashboard and take a look at your URL in browser address bar. You will now see a 19 digit unique identification number for your blog like this. ?blogID=8031874568908379102#
Finding Blogger blog ID and post ID - Unique identification number

Finding Blogger post ID

Spotting Blogger post identification number is simple and same as what you did above to find out your blog ID. Go to posts from your Blogger blog dashboard and you will see all your posts. You can hover over the post title and you can see the post ID at the bottom corner, but few browsers won’t show the full URL. So open your post editor screen and check the URL in address bar where you will see your post ID. Your Blogger post will have a 19 digit identification number and you can see it next to your blog ID.
How to figure out Blogger blog ID and post ID - Unique ID number for Blogger
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