This kind of error occurs when you try to insert Adsense JavaScript, Facebook JavaScript or other widgets made with JavaScript in your blogger template. When you insert any JavaScript with some special characters in your blogger template then it shows this error “The reference to entity "version" must end with the ';' delimiter."
And, this error confuses and irritates many bloggers so for such bloggers today in this article, we will show you how to fix XML Parsing errors in blogger template.
What is XML Parsing Errors
We have briefly mentioned about XML parsing error above and here are going to explain it bit more for your convenience.This error usually occur when you to try to upload any third-part JavaScript in your blogger template. It is also called syntax error as it refers to coding. This error looks like the below one;
Error parsing XML, line 1005, column 91: The reference to entity "version" must end with the ';' delimiter.
There are some special characters in you script which causes this XML Parsing error. Following are the special characters which are illegal and cause parsing errors;

- < (Less Than)
- > (Greater Than)
- & - Ampersand
- ‘ (Single Quote)
- “ (Double Quote)
How to Fix XML Parsing Errors in Blogger
Here are the steps which you need to follow in order to Fix XML Parsing Errors in Blogger. Now without taking your time more get to the steps to explore your solution.Method #1: Replacing Some Special Characters
This is first method which you can use to fix XML parsing error which is by replacing some special characters in your JavaScript.Special | Replace With |
> | > |
< | < |
& | & |
“ | " |
Method #2: Insert Script in CDATA Section
The CDATA Refers to Character data which carry the text data and does not let XML to parse the data within CDATA section and the data within it remain unparsed including those special characters, thus prevent parsing error. CDATA section starts with <![CDATA[ and ends with ]]>, your script will be included between it.Refer the below code to enclose your script correctly inside CDATA section;
Ones you have uploaded your script within CDATA then your XML parsing error will be solved with complete ease.
This was our guide to make you guys aware with the process of fixing XML parsing error. We are sure that this guide would have been proven helpful for you guys. If you still have any confusion left related to this article then lend your confusion in the comment box. I shall get back to your queries as soon as possible.
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